Source code for python.brownian

import time
from tkinter import *
import numpy as np

from enum import Enum
import argparse

class State(Enum):
    :meta private:
    forward = 0
    rotating = 1

[docs] class Circle: """Class representing a point/circle with Brownian motion. """ def __init__(self, coords, diameter, velocity=None, theta=3, stop_and_rotate=False): """ Parameters: coords (numpy.ndarray): The initial coordinates of the circle. diameter (int): Diameter of the circle. velocity (numpy.ndarray, optional): Initial velocity of the circle. If None, a random velocity is assigned. theta (int, optional): Angular velocity for rotation. (Defaul: ``3``) stop_and_rotate (bool, optional): This is because of the the ambigous requirement of the challenge (Default: ``False``) """ self.coords = coords self.radius = diameter/2 if velocity is None: self.velocity = self.get_random_velocity() else: self.velocity = velocity self.state = State.forward theta = np.deg2rad(theta) self.rotationMat = np.array([[np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)], [-np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]]) self.rotateStartTime = 0 self.rotateTime = 0 self.stop_and_rotate = stop_and_rotate
[docs] def checkCollision(self, coords, boundary): """ Check if the circle collides with the specified boundary. Parameters: coords (numpy.ndarray): Current coordinates of the circle. boundary (numpy.ndarray): Boundary dimensions. Returns: (bool): True if collision occurs, False otherwise. """ return ( np.any(coords - np.array([self.radius, self.radius]) < 0) or np.any(coords + np.array([self.radius, self.radius]) > boundary) )
[docs] def move(self, dt, maxX, maxY): """Move the circle based on its state. Parameters: dt: Time step for movement. maxX: Maximum x-coordinate for the boundary. maxY: Maximum y-coordinate for the boundary. """ if self.state == State.forward: if self.checkCollision(self.coords, np.array([maxX, maxY])): self.velocity = self.state = State.rotating self.rotateStartTime = time.time() self.rotateTime = np.random.uniform(0, 1) print("Rotate for " + str(self.rotateTime)) else: self.coords += self.velocity*dt else: if time.time() - self.rotateStartTime > self.rotateTime: print("Done rotating") self.state = State.forward while self.checkCollision(self.coords+self.velocity*dt ,np.array([maxX, maxY])): self.velocity = self.coords += self.velocity*dt else: print("Rotating. Time left: " + str(self.rotateTime - (time.time() - self.rotateStartTime))) self.velocity = if not self.stop_and_rotate: if not self.checkCollision(self.coords+self.velocity*dt ,np.array([maxX, maxY])): self.coords += self.velocity*dt
[docs] def get_random_velocity(self): r"""Generate a random velocity vector. Samples velocity magnitude from a `normal distribution <>`_ :math:`\mathcal{N}(\mu, \sigma^2)`, where :math:`\mu = 500` and :math:`\sigma = 200`, and clips it as .. math:: \lVert V \rVert = \begin{cases} V, & \text{if} \ V_{\text{min}} \leq V \leq V_{\text{max}} \\ V_{\text{min}}, & \text{if} \ V \leq V_{\text{min}} \\ V_{\text{max}}, & \text{if} \ V \geq V_{\text{max}} \end{cases} where :math:`V_{\text{min}} = 100` and :math:`V_{\text{max}} = 900`. Then randomly assigns direction to the velocity. Returns: (numpy.ndarray): Random velocity vector :math:`V`. """ minVel, maxVel = 100, 900 mu, sigma = 500, 200 velMag = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, size=(2,)) velMag = np.clip(velMag, minVel, maxVel) vel = velMag * np.random.choice([-1, 1], size=(2,)) return vel
[docs] def draw(self, canvas, **kwargs): """ Draws the circle on the canvas. Parameters: canvas (`tk.Canvas <>`_): Canvas object for drawing. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for drawing. """ x0,y0 = self.coords - self.radius x1,y1 = self.coords + self.radius self.circleDw = canvas.create_oval(x0,y0,x1,y1, **kwargs) arrow_v = (self.velocity / np.linalg.norm(self.velocity)) * self.radius self.arrowDw = canvas.create_line(*self.coords, *(self.coords + arrow_v), fill=kwargs.get("linefill", "red"), width=2, arrow=LAST)
[docs] def clean(self, canvas): """ Removes the circle from the canvas. Parameters: canvas (`tk.Canvas <>`_): Canvas object for cleaning. """ canvas.delete(self.circleDw) canvas.delete(self.arrowDw)
[docs] class MainWindow: """MainWindow for Brownian motion simulation using tkinter. """ def __init__(self, args, timDelta=0.001): self.maxX = args.canvas_size + 5 self.maxY = args.canvas_size + 5 self.dt = timDelta = Tk(className="brownian") self.canvas = Canvas(, width=self.maxX, height=self.maxY, background="white") self.canvas.create_rectangle(0,0,5, self.maxY-5, fill='grey', outline='black', width=2) self.canvas.create_rectangle(0, self.maxY-5 , self.maxX-5, self.maxY, fill='grey', outline='black', width=2) self.canvas.create_rectangle(self.maxX-5, 5 , self.maxX, self.maxY, fill='grey', outline='black', width=2) self.canvas.create_rectangle(5,0,self.maxX, 5, fill='grey', outline='black', width=2) self.canvas.pack() start_button = Button(, text="Randomize Velocity", command=self.set_random_velocity) start_button.pack() = Circle( coords=np.array([args.canvas_size/2, args.canvas_size/2]), diameter=args.diameter, theta=args.angular_velocity, stop_and_rotate=args.stop_and_rotate) self.start()
[docs] def start(self):, fill="black") self.canvas.update(), self.step)
[docs] def step(self):, self.maxX-5, self.maxY-5), fill="black") self.canvas.update()*1000), self.step)
[docs] def set_random_velocity(self): """ Set a random velocity for the circle on button click. Internally calls :func:`Circle.get_random_velocity` """ vel = = vel
[docs] def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Brownian Motion") parser.add_argument("-d", "--diameter", type=int, default=30, help="Diameter of the point/circle") parser.add_argument("-s", "--canvas_size", type=int, default=400, help="Size of the Canvas") parser.add_argument("-w", "--angular_velocity", type=int, default=3, choices=list(range(1,10)) + [20], help="Rotational Velocity (good value is between 1 to 10. Don't trust me? Try `-w 20`)") parser.add_argument("--seed", type=int, default=42, help="Random Seed") parser.add_argument("--stop_and_rotate", action='store_true', default=False, help="To rotate the robot for random duration without having linear velocity") args = parser.parse_args() # TODO: check if diameter is larger than canvas np.random.seed(args.seed) MainWindow(args)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()