
Explore my projects below.

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Connected Vehicle Protocol Server

project page | code

The CVP Proto Server is a Flask-based application designed for handling MQTT communication with protobuf-encoded telemetry messages for connected vehicles. It features a user-friendly web interface with real-time updates via Socket.IO, and also includes a Command Line Interface (CLI) for direct command-response operations.


Open-Set Multi-Source Multi-Target Domain Adaptation

Rohit Lal, Arihant Gaur, Aadhithya Iyer, Muhammed Abdullah Shaikh, Ritik Agrawal, Shital Chiddarwar
Pre-Registration Workshop, NeurIPS, 2021
project page | arXiv | video | code

This work introduced a new setting for unsupervised domain adaptation and utilized a prototypical network to create domain embeddings. We used the Local Outlier Factor (LOF) to pseudo-label unknown classes, and used graph neural networks with attentional aggregation for the adaptation stage.

Face Unlock

Muhammed Abdullah, Khurshed Fitter, Rishika Bhagwatkar
project page | pdf | code

This project implemented Triplet Network and FaceNet algorithms from scratch with ResNet as the backbone architecture for face recognition. It was developed at IvLabs for one-shot and few-shot learning on different datasets and with the goal of deploying it as a face recognition-based door lock system.

Object Detection

Harsh Sharma, Rajashree Tekaday, Muhammed Abdullah

This project is an implementation of a sliding window technique with a two-stage detector, enhanced with the Overfeat framework, for object detection on a Raccoon Dataset.

PID Control and Path Planning for TurtleBot in ROS

Muhammed Abdullah

This project involved implementing a PID controller on a TurtleBot robot to perform a Goal-to-Goal task and Path Planning task. The controller was modeled using a Hermite curve to generate a trajectory for the robot's motion from the initial to the goal pose.




Bezier Curves


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