Learning CPP via Advent of Code 2024 [Days 1 to 8]

Learning CPP via Advent of Code 2024 [Days 1 to 8]#

I’ve decided to use Advent of Code 2024 as a platform to improve my C++ skills. With a background in C, having worked on Embedded Systems for the past two years, and over five years of experience in Python where I consider myself between intermediate and advanced, I felt it was time to dive into C++. While I’m familiar with core programming concepts like loops, functions, and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) from my experience in C and Python, I wanted a more practical and engaging way to learn C++ without retreading the basics.

Advent of Code, with its daily coding challenges, seemed like a good way to get hands-on with C++.

This is my attempt to document my learning journey through Advent of Code 2024. Instead of cluttering with each post for each day’s challenge, I’ll be grouping my progress into consolidated posts. This page is the first part of my progress log covering Days 1 to 8.

Full solutions are available on GitHub: ABD-01/AoC2024.

Day 1: Historian Hysteria#

Solution Overview#

Part 1: Sorting and Pairing Numbers#

Given two lists of numbers.

Pair up the smallest number in the left list with the smallest number in the right list, then the second-smallest left number with the second-smallest right number, and so on.

Sort both lists, take absolute difference of the values elementwise and sum it up.

37    std::sort(vec1.begin(), vec1.end()); // sorts in ascending order
38    std::sort(vec2.begin(), vec2.end());
39    //std::ranges::sort(vec2);
41    int result = 0;
42    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < vec1.size(); i++)
43        result += abs(vec1[i] - vec2[i]);

Part 2: Calculating Similarity Scores#

Calculate a total similarity score by adding up each number in the left list after multiplying it by the number of times that number appears in the right list.

48    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < vec1.size(); i++)
49    {
50        /**
51        int count = 0;
52        for (std::size_t j = 0; j < vec1.size(); j++)
53            if (vec1[i] == vec2[j])
54                count++;
55        */
56        int count = std::count(vec2.begin(), vec2.end(), vec1[i]);
57        //int count = std::ranges::count(vec2, vec1[i]);
58        result += (count * vec1[i]);
59    }

Now here using std::count inside a loop results in a time complexity of \(O(n^2)\). This could be optimized further using a hash map (std::unordered_map) to count occurrences in \(O(n)\) time.

Concepts Learned#

Reading from a file#

Use file streams defined in header <fstream>

  • ifstream: Input file stream for reading files.

  • ofstream: Output file stream for writing files.

  • fstream: Input-output file stream for both reading and writing.

String Streams (<sstream>): Used to read from or write to strings.

  • istringstream: For input operations from a string.

  • ostringstream: For output operations to a string.

  • stringstream: For both input and output operations on a string.

standard input/output streams (<iostream>)


 1// 1. Creates a vector 'a' with 'count' elements
 2vector<int> a(count); 
 4// 2. Creates a vector 'v' with 'count' elements, all initialized to 'value'
 5vector<int> v(count, value); 
 7// 3. Looping over a vector and printing its elements
 8for (auto i : vec) std::cout << i << " "; 
10// 4. Iterators
11std::vector<int>::iterator it = vec.begin();
12auto it = vec.end();
14// 5. Methods
16a.push_back // adds an element to the end
 1#include <iostream>
 2#include <fstream>
 3#include <sstream>
 4#include <vector>
 6int main() {
 7    std::ifstream file("input.txt");
 8    if (!file.is_open()) {
 9        std::cerr << "Error opening file!" << std::endl;
10        return 1;
11    }
13    std::vector<int> a, b;
14    std::string line;
15    while (std::getline(file, line)) {
16        std::istringstream iss(line);
17        int num1, num2;
18        if (!(iss >> num1 >> num2)) {
19            std::cerr << "Error parsing line!" << std::endl;
20            continue;
21        }
22        a.push_back(num1);
23        b.push_back(num2);
24    }
26    file.close();
28    return 0;


for ranges, use -std=c++20 during compilation

  1. std::ranges::count

    1. count(v, target2);

    2. Same as std::count(v.begin(), v.end(), target1);

  2. std::ranges::sort Same as std::sort(vec2.begin(), vec2.end());

Initializer List#


explicit specifier#

When a constructor is marked as [explicit](explicit specifier - cppreference.com), the compiler will not use that constructor for implicit type conversions or copy-initialization, meaning it will not automatically convert or create an object from a single argument when the compiler thinks it’s needed (for example, in assignments or function calls).

 1#include <iostream>
 3class MyClass {
 5    explicit MyClass(int x) { std::cout << "Constructor called with " << x << std::endl; }
 8void display(MyClass obj) {
 9    std::cout << "In display function\n";
12int main() {
13    // display(10);  // Error: no implicit conversion from int to MyClass
14    display(MyClass(10));  // Must explicitly create MyClass
15    return 0;

Insertion Sort#

 95template<typename T>
 96void insertionSort(T& vec)
 98    typename T::iterator first = vec.begin();
 99    typename T::iterator last = vec.end();
101    for(auto current = first + 1; current != last; current++)
102    {
103       auto key = *current;
104       //auto position = current - 1;
105       auto position = current;
106       for (; position != first && *(position-1) > key; position--)
107       {
108            //*(position+1) = *position;
109            *(position) = *(position-1);
110       }
111       //*(position+1) = key;
112       *(position) = key;
113    }
114    return;

References and Resources#

Day 2: Red-Nosed Reports#

Solution Overview#

Part 1: Count Safe Reports#

For a given list of numbers check if

  • it is all increasing or all decreasing.

  • Any two adjacent values differ by at least one and at most three.

17bool isReportSafe(const std::vector<int>& v)
19	if (v.size() < 2) return true; // A single-element or empty list is trivially safe.
21    bool isSafe = true;
22    // Must be all increasing or all decreasing.
23    bool isSorted = (v[0] > v[1]) // If first element is greater than second, assume it should be decreasing
24        ? std::is_sorted(v.begin(), v.end(), std::greater<int>{})
25        : std::is_sorted(v.begin(), v.end()); 
27    if(!isSorted) return false;
29    for (std::size_t i = 1; i < v.size(); ++i)
30    {
31       int diff = abs(v[i]-v[i-1]); 
32       // Any two adjacent values must differ by at least one and at most three.
33       if (!(1 <= diff && diff<= 3)) 
34       {
35            isSafe = false;
36            break;
37       }
38    }
39    // Could also use std::adjacent_find 
40    return isSafe;

Part 2: Tolerate a Single Unsafe Report#

For a given list, remove one element and check is it safe or not

64bool part2(const std::vector<int>& vec)
65    for(std::size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i)
66    {
67        std::vector<int> temp = vec;
68        temp.erase(temp.begin() + i);
69        if (isReportSafe(temp)) 
70            return true;
71    }

Key Takeaways#

Vector of Vectors#

std::is_sorted and std::greater#


Source: gcc-mirror/gcc/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_algo.h

 1bool funct(const std::vector<int>& vec)
 3    std::vector<int> v{1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5};
 4	auto it = std::adjacent_find(v.begin(), v.end());
 5	if (it != v.end())
 6		std::cout << "First pair of repeated elements: " << *it << '\n';
 8	// Solution using adjacent_find
 9    return std::adjacent_find(v.begin(), v.end(), 
10        [](int a, int b) {
11            int diff = std::abs(b - a);
12            return diff < 1 || diff > 3;
13        }) == v.end();


 1bool funct(const std::vector<int>& vec)
 2#include <algorithm>
 4bool isSorted = (v[0] > v[1]) 
 5	? std::is_sorted(v.begin(), v.end(), std::greater<>{})
 6	: std::is_sorted(v.begin(), v.end());
 8return std::adjacent_find(v.begin(), v.end(), 
 9	[](int a, int b) {
10		int diff = std::abs(b - a);
11		return diff < MIN_DIFF || diff > MAX_DIFF;
12	}) == v.end();
14static int countSafeReports(const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& reports)
16	return std::count_if(reports.begin(), reports.end(), isReportSafe);

References and Resources#

Day 3: Mull It Over#

Solution Overview#

Part 1: Multiplication in Trash#

Parse the given corrupted string and look for pattern mul(X,Y), where X and Y are each 1-3 digit numbers. Add up all the results of the multiplications of X and Y.

36    std::istreambuf_iterator<char> it(file), end;
37    auto first = it;
38    auto second = it;
40	std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> mulVec;
41    unsigned int result(0);
43    for(first = it; it != end; ++it)
44    {
45        if (
46            (char)*first == 'm' && 
47            (char)*++first == 'u' &&
48            (char)*++first == 'l' &&
49            (char)*++first == '('
50        )
51        {
52            bool secondNum = false;
53            unsigned int num1(0), num2(0); 
55            for(second=++first; second != end; ++second)    
56            {
57                if(std::isdigit(*second))
58                {
59                    if(secondNum)
60                        num2 = num2*10 + (*second - '0');
61                    else
62                        num1 = num1*10 + (*second - '0');
63                }
64                else if ((char)*second == ',')
65                    secondNum=true;
66                else if ((char)*second == ')' && secondNum)
67                {
68                    mulVec.emplace_back(num1, num2);
69                    result += (num1*num2);
70                    break;
71                }
72                else
73                    break;
74            }
75        }
77    }

Part 2: Do/Don’t Multiply#

There are two new instructions you’ll need to handle:

  • The do() instruction enables future mul instructions.

  • The don't() instruction disables future mul instructions.

 96    std::regex regex(R"((mul\(\d{1,3},\d{1,3}\))|(do\(\))|(don't\(\)))");
 98    std::sregex_iterator start{ std::sregex_iterator(contents.begin(), contents.end(), regex) };
 99    std::sregex_iterator end{ std::sregex_iterator() };
101    unsigned int result(0);
103    int mulEnabled(1);
104    for (auto i = start; i != end; ++i)
105    {
106        //std::smatch match = *i;
107        std::string match = (*i).str();
109        if(match.compare("don't()") == 0)
110            mulEnabled = 0;
112        else if (match.compare("do()") == 0) 
113            mulEnabled = 1;
115        else
116        {
117            int num1(0), num2(0);
118            auto j = 4;
119            while(match[j] != ',')
120                num1 = num1*10 + (match[j++] - '0'); 
121            ++j;
122            while(match[j] != ')')
123                num2 = num2*10 + (match[j++] - '0');
125            result += (mulEnabled * num1 * num2); 
126        }
127    }

Concepts Learned#

Stream Iterators#

  1. std::istream_iterator

  2. std::istreambuf_iterator

  3. Read entire file into a string:

1std::ifstream file(filename);
2std::string contents{std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(file), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>()};
3// or into a vector of strings


When reading characters, std::istream_iterator skips whitespace by default (unless disabled with std::noskipws or equivalent), while std::istreambuf_iterator does not. In addition, std::istreambuf_iterator is more efficient, since it avoids the overhead of constructing and destructing the sentry object once per character.


  1. std::cmatch for std::match_results<const char*>: cannot be used with iterators.

  2. std::smatch for std::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> to be used with iterators

  3. std::regex_match for entire sequence

  4. std::sregex_iterator for iterators, which dereferences to std::smatch

1std::regex pattern(R"(mul\(\d{1,3},\d{1,3}\))");
2std::string input = "mul(123,456)";
3if (std::regex_match(input, pattern)) {
4    std::cout << "Pattern matched!" << std::endl;
 1    std::regex regex(R"((mul\(\d{1,3},\d{1,3}\))|(do\(\))|(don't\(\)))");
 3    std::sregex_iterator start{ std::sregex_iterator(contents.begin(), contents.end(), regex) };
 4    std::sregex_iterator end{ std::sregex_iterator() };
 6    for (auto i = start; i != end; ++i)
 7    {
 8        std::smatch match = *i;
 9        cout << match.str() << endl;
10    }


  1. std::string::compare: returns 0 if equal

  2. std::stoi - String to Int

References and Resources#

Day 5: Print Queue#

Solution Overview#

Part 1: Check Page Order#

The first part of the input contains a list of rules X|Y which states that page X must be printed at some point before page Y. Next part have list page sequences, identify which one of those are in right order.

  • Iterates over all pairs (i,j) in the given page sequence where i<j.

  • For each pair, checking if it violates any of the rule.

  • If no rule violated, the order is valid.

126bool isOrderValid(const std::vector<int>& o, const std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>& rule)
128    for(auto i=0; i < o.size()-1; ++i) 
129    {
130        for(auto j=i+1; j < o.size(); ++j) 
131        {
132            for(auto r: rule)
133            {
134                if(o[i] == r.second && o[j] == r.first) // incorrect order
135                {
136                    return false;
137                }
138            }
139        }
140    }
141    return true;

This is simply brute force and horrible time complexity of \(O(n^2\times m)\) where \(n\) is length of the page sequence (o.size()) and \(m\) is a number of rules(rule.size()).


A faster solution (aoc2024/day05/solution.cpp at main · UnicycleBloke/aoc2024) (\(O(m\times n)\)) I found on Reddit:

  • Iterate over rules \(O(m)\)

  • For each rule find its first and second elements in the sequence (Linear search \(O(2n)\), might short-circuit if first not found \(O(n + n/2)\))

  • check if both finds follow the rule, based on position they appear in the sequence. Else order is not valid.

More optimized solution would require a Hash Map:

145bool isOrderValid(const std::vector<int>& o, const std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>& rule) {
146    // Map elements in 'o' to their indices for fast lookup
147    std::unordered_map<int, int> indexMap;
148    for (int i = 0; i < o.size(); ++i) {
149        indexMap[o[i]] = i;
150    }
152    // Check if any rule is violated
153    for (const auto& r : rule) {
154        if (indexMap.find(r.first) != indexMap.end() && indexMap.find(r.second) != indexMap.end()) {
155            if (indexMap[r.first] > indexMap[r.second]) {
156                // Order is invalid
157                return false;
158            }
159        }
160    }
161    // Order is valid
162    return true;

Bringing time complexity to \(O(m + n)\) as find in Hash Map is \(O(1)\) operation.

// Before
[100%] Built target day5
Part 1: 4790
Elapsed time: 7330 us
Part 2: 6319
Elapsed time: 9174 us
Elapsed time: 45189 us
[100%] Built target run5

// After Optimization
[100%] Built target day5
Part 1: 4790
Elapsed time: 2959 us
Part 2: 6319
Elapsed time: 3437 us
Elapsed time: 38453 us
[100%] Built target run5

Part 2: Sort pages as per the Rules#

For each of the incorrectly-ordered updates, use the page ordering rules to put the page numbers in the right order.

Implemented a bubble sort such that while not sorted keep swapping the elements in incorrect order.

 93    for(std::vector<int>& o: incorrect_orders)
 94    {
 95        while(true)
 96        {
 97            bool order_valid = true;
 99            for(auto r: rule)
100            {
101                auto i=0,j=0;
102                for(; i < o.size(); ++i)
103                {
104                    if(o[i] == r.first) break;
105                }
106                for(; j < o.size(); ++j) 
107                {
108                    if(o[j] == r.second) break;
109                }
111                if(i==o.size() || j==o.size()) continue;
112                if(j < i)
113                {
114                    std::swap(o[i], o[j]);
115                    order_valid = false;
116                    break;
117                }
118            }
120            if (order_valid) break;
121        }
122    }

Found a more optimized solution on the internet, using \(m\times m\) matrix data, where data[a][b] == true means a must come before b in any valid sequence.

Key Takeaways#


Example std::move
 1    while (std::getline(file, line))
 2    {
 3        cout << line << endl;
 4        std::istringstream iss(line);
 5        std::vector<int> pages;
 6        std::string page;
 7        while (std::getline(iss, page, ','))
 8        {
 9            pages.push_back(std::stoi(page));
10        }
11        order.push_back(std::move(pages));
12        /**
13        order.push_back(pages);           - Copies the content of pages into order
14        order.push_back(std::move(pages)) - Moves the contents, no copying, ownership of interal is transferred
15        When use std::move??
16        -> Don't need the original vector
17        -> performance optimization
18		*/
19    }

for loop with pass by reference#

  1. for(auto o: orders): The copy constructor of std::vector<int> is called for each element of orders.

1    for(std::vector<int> o: incorrect_orders)
2    {
3	    // some condition
4        std::swap(o[i], o[j]);
5	}
6	// Does NOT change the original
7	// Instead do
8	for(std::vector<int>& o: incorrect_orders) 

Ref: 2024 Day 5 (part 2) Non-Transitivity, non-schmansitivity : r/adventofcode

References and Resources#

Day 6: Guard Gallivant#

Solution Overview#

 8void Guard::move(std::vector<std::string>& map)
10    map[position.x][position.y] = 'X';
11    Point temp = position+direction;
13    if (temp.x < 0 || temp.y < 0 || temp.x >= map.size() || temp.y >= map[0].size())
14    {
15        can_move = false;
16        cout << "Guard left the map" << endl;
17        return;
18    }
20    if (map[temp.x][temp.y] == '#' || map[temp.x][temp.y] == 'O')
21    {
22        // Guard hit an obstacle, turn right
23        turnRight();
24        move(map);
25        return;
26    }
28    if(is_looping(temp, direction))
29    {
30        can_move = false;
31        stuck_in_loop = true;
32        cout << "Guard stuck in a Loop" << endl;
33        return;
34    }
36    position = temp;
38    visited.emplace(position, direction);
41void Guard::turnRight()
43    //-1,0  -> 0,1
44    // 0,1  -> 1,0
45    // 1,0  -> 0,-1
46    // 0,-1 -> -1,0
47    direction = Point(direction.y, -direction.x);
50bool Guard::is_looping(Point p, Point d) const
52    PointMap::const_iterator it = visited.find(p);
53    if (it != visited.end() && it->second == d)
54        return true;
55    return false;

Part 1: Predict the Guard’s Route#

The Guard moves in a 2D grid, turning right upon hitting an obstacle (# or O). The goal is to find the number of distinct positions visited before the Guard exits the map. Key Logic:

  • Create an unordered set (\(O(1)\) insert) for visited positions.

  • If using a vector, check for duplicates before inserting (\(O(n)\)).

  • Move the Guard until it exits the map.

  • On obstacle collision → turn right → retry movement.

  • Return visited.size() for number of distinct positions.

Part 2: Trap the Guard in a Loop#

You need to get the guard stuck in a loop by adding a single new obstruction. How many different positions could you choose for this obstruction?

Brute force solution would be to iterate over all possible position on the map. A better solution would be to only place obstacles on path that the guard travels.

  • Created an unordered_map to store each visited position with its corresponding direction. (visited.emplace(position, direction))

  • A loop occurs on visiting same position and have same direction as before

33using PointMap = std::unordered_map<Point, Point, PointHash>;
36    PointMap guardVisitedPositions = g.getVisited();  // from part 1
37    for(const std::pair<Point, Point>& v: guardVisitedPositions)
38    {
39        int i(v.first.x), j(v.first.y);
41        if(i==gx && j==gy) continue;
43        map[i][j] = 'O';
44        g = Guard(Point(gx, gy), Guard::dirUp);
46        while (g.canMove())
47        {
48            g.move(map);
49        }
50        if(g.stuckInLoop())
51        {
52            ++numObstacles;
53        }
54        map[i][j] = 'X';
55    }

Concepts Learned#

Operator Overload#

Example Operator Overloading for Point Class
 1struct Point
 3    int x,y;
 4    Point(int x, int y): x(x), y(y) {}
 6    Point operator+(const Point& p)
 7    {
 8        return Point(x + p.x, y + p.y);
 9    }
10    bool operator==(const Point& p) const
11    {
12        return x == p.x && y == p.y;
13    }
16std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Point& p)
18    os << "(" << p.x << ", " << p.y << ")";
19    return os;

const Correctness#

We bind type modifiers and qualifiers to the left

  • Modern C, Jens Gustedt (Page 18)

  1. const X* p

    1const int* p;  // p points to a constant int (can't modify the value it points to)
    2int a = 5;
    3p = &a;  // okay, p can point to another int
    4*p = 10;  // error, can't modify the value of a through p
  2. X const* p

    1int const* p;  // Same as `const int* p`
  3. X* const p

    1int* const p = &a;  // p is a constant pointer, it always points to the same location
    2*p = 10;  // okay, the value of the object p points to can be modified
    3p = &b;  // error, can't change p to point to another object
  4. const X* const p

    1const int* const p = &a;  // p is a constant pointer to a constant int
    2*p = 10;  // error, can't modify the value of the object p points to
    3p = &b;  // error, can't change p to point to another object
  5. The const at the end of member function does not modify the state of object.

 1class Fred {
 3  void inspect() const;   // This member promises NOT to change *this
 4  void mutate();          // This member function might change *this
 6void userCode(Fred& changeable, const Fred& unchangeable)
 8  changeable.inspect();   // Okay: doesn't change a changeable object
 9  changeable.mutate();    // Okay: changes a changeable object
10  unchangeable.inspect(); // Okay: doesn't change an unchangeable object
11  unchangeable.mutate();  // ERROR: attempt to change unchangeable object
  1. const Point& Return type

 1class Guard
 4    // Getter functions to access position and direction
 5    const Point& getPosition() const { return position; }
 6    const Point& getDirection() const { return direction; }
 7    /**
 8    By returning a constant reference (const Point&), you provide read-only access to the position and direction. 
 9    This ensures that the caller cannot modify the values.
10    */

Dangling References#

1const int& getTemp() {
2    int temp = 10;  // Local variable
3    return temp;  // Dangling reference (temp goes out of scope)
6Point p1(1, 2);
7const int& a = p1.getX();
8p1 = Point(3, 4);  // a now refers to a destroyed object!

In C++, there is no built-in way to directly check if a reference is dangling

Unordered set#

Used Hash Table to store elements Steps to use unordered_set with a custom class:

  1. Define a hash function for your Point class.

  2. Override == operator to check for equality, as unordered_set uses it to compare elements.

  3. Use the custom hash function in unordered_set.

Example Code
 1struct Point
 3    int x,y;
 4    Point(int x, int y): x(x), y(y) {}
 5    Point() : x(0), y(0) {}
 7    Point operator+(const Point& p) const
 8    {
 9        return Point(x + p.x, y + p.y);
10    }
11    bool operator==(const Point& p) const
12    {
13        return x == p.x && y == p.y;
14    }
16struct HashPoint {
17	std::size_t operator()(const Point& p) const {
18		return std::hash<int>()(p.x) ^ (std::hash<int>()(p.y) << 1);
19	}
21std::unordered_set<Point, HashPoint> visited;

For unordered_set of std::pair<Point, Point>

 1// Define a custom hash for std::pair<Point, Point>
 2struct PairHash {
 3    size_t operator()(const std::pair<Point, Point>& pair) const {
 4        PointHash pointHash;
 5        // Combine the hash values of the two points in the pair
 6        return pointHash(pair.first) ^ (pointHash(pair.second) << 1);
 7    }
10// Overload equality operator for std::pair<Point, Point>
11struct PairEqual {
12    bool operator()(const std::pair<Point, Point>& a, const std::pair<Point, Point>& b) const {
13        return a.first == b.first && a.second == b.second;
14    }
16/** This can also be omitted
17The == operator for std::pair is already defined (since std::pair is a standard library type).
18It compares both elements of the pair for equality.
21std::unordered_set<std::pair<Point, Point>, PairHash, PairEqual> pointPairs;
22std::unordered_set<std::pair<Point, Point>, PairHash> point_pairs;
24// Aliases 
25using PointSet = std::unordered_set<Point, PointHash>;
26using PointPairSet = std::unordered_set<std::pair<Point, Point>, PairHash>;

Unordered Map#

 1std::unordered_map<Point, Point, PointHash> visited;
 3// ### Check if value is in HashMap
 4std::map<char,int> mymap;
 5std::map<char,int>::iterator it;
 7if (visited.find(current) != visited.end() && visited[current] == direction) {
 8    return true; 
10// If current is not already in the map, accessing visited[current] will insert a new entry
12auto it = visited.find(current);
13if (it != visited.end() && it->second == direction) {
14    return true; 
17// ### Looping through HashMap
18for(const std::pair<Point, Point>& v: visited)
20    cout << v.first << ":" << v.second << endl;

Static Constant Members in C++ Classes#

  • static const is used for class-level constants, meaning these constants are shared across all instances of the class.

  • The static keyword ensures the constant is a class-wide (not instance-specific) member, while const ensures the values cannot be modified.

  • Static members must be defined outside the class, even if they’re const.

  • You cannot initialize static members within constructors. Integral types you can initialize inline at their declaration.

1class Guard{
3    static const Point dirUp, dirDown, dirLeft, dirRight;
4    static const int a = 4; // works
6const Point Guard::dirUp(-1, 0);
7const Point Guard::dirDown(1, 0);
8const Point Guard::dirLeft(0, -1);
9const Point Guard::dirRight(0, 1);

References and Resources#

Day 7: Bridge Repair#

Solution Overview#

Part 1: Given a test value and a list of numbers, determine whether the numbers can be combined using the operators + (addition) and * (multiplication) to produce the test value

Operators are always evaluated left-to-rightnot according to precedence rules.

Part 2: Introduces a third operator: concatenation (||), alongside + and *.

Using a recursive call, with using one operator from left at each call.

 68using ll = long long;
 70bool check_target1(const std::vector<int>& operands, int index, ll current_value, ll target)
 72	// reached end and found thr test value
 73    if(index==(int)operands.size()) return current_value == target;
 75	// If current value is already greater than the target, no point in continuing
 76	// small improvement by short circuiting
 77    if(current_value > target) return false;
 79    // subtle Bug! You only want to check for equality when list is exhausted
 80    //if(current_value == target) return true;
 82    return check_target1(operands, index+1, current_value + operands[index], target) 
 83        || check_target1(operands, index+1, current_value * operands[index], target);
 86bool check_target2(const std::vector<int>& operands, int index, ll current_value, ll target)
 88    if(index==(int)operands.size()) return current_value == target;
 90    if(current_value > target) return false;
 92    return check_target2(operands, index+1, current_value + operands[index], target) 
 93        || check_target2(operands, index+1, current_value * operands[index], target)
 94        || check_target2(operands, index+1, concat(current_value, operands[index]), target);
 97void part(const std::vector<std::pair<ll, std::vector<int>>>& data)
 99    ll result = 0;
100    for(const std::pair<ll, std::vector<int>>& d: data)
101        if(check_target(d.second, 0, 1, d.first))

The time complexity is \(O(n^2)\) for Part 1and \(O(n^3)\) for Part 2. While this works, it can be optimized.


With each recursive call the current_value increases. One way to optimize is to process the operations in reverse order, starting from the right, and try to undo the operations to see if the target value can be constructed. resulting in current value to be 0 at the end.

For example: Given 292: 11 6 16 20, the goal is to check if 292 can be made from these numbers. The left-to-right approach:

  • [11+6, 16, 20][17*16, 20][292] The right-to-left approach:

  • [11, 6, 16, 292-20][11, 6, 272/16][11, 17-6][11-11][0] To undo concatenation (||), the check_int_contains function is used to check if an integer is present in another integer.

134bool check_target1_v2(const std::vector<int>& operands, int index, ll target)
136    if(index < 0) return target == 0 || target == 1;
138    if(target < 0) return false;
140    if(target % operands[index] == 0)
141    {
142        if(check_target1_v2(operands, index-1, target/operands[index]))
143            return true;
144        // Here too there can be a subtle Bug
145        // if you return check_target1_v2(i-1, target/operands[i])
146        // it fails to account for check_target1_v2(i-1, target-operands[i])
147        // example: 103304: 269 4 96 8
148    }
150    return check_target1_v2(operands, index-1, target-operands[index]);
152bool check_int_contains(ll target, ll subint, ll& new_target)
154    int lt, ls;
155    while(subint > 0)
156    {
157       lt = target % 10;
158       target /= 10;
159       ls = subint % 10;
160       subint /= 10;
161       if(lt != ls)
162       {
163           return false;
164       }
165    }
166    new_target = target;
167    return true;
170bool check_target2_v2(const std::vector<int>& operands, int index, ll target)
172    if(index < 0) return target == 0 || target == 1;
174    if(target < 0) return false;
176    if(target % operands[index] == 0)
177    {
178        if(check_target2_v2(operands, index-1, target/operands[index]))
179            return true;
180    }
182    ll new_target;
183    if(check_int_contains(target, operands[index], new_target))
184    {
185        if(check_target2_v2(operands, index-1, new_target))
186            return true;
187    }
189    return check_target2_v2(operands, index-1, target-operands[index]);

While the time complexity still remains the same, there is significant improvement in the time taken. {emphasize-lines=”5,7,9,11”}

[100%] Linking CXX executable day7.exe
Copying input.txt to input7.txt
[100%] Built target day7
Part 1: 6392012777720
Elapsed time: 2283 us
Part 2: 61561126043536
Elapsed time: 121022 us
Part 1 (Version 2): 6392012777720
Elapsed time: 1268 us
Part 2 (Version 2): 61561126043536
Elapsed time: 1498 us
[100%] Built target run7

Concepts Learned#

Subsets of an array/vector using bit manipulation#

  • For an array of size \(n\), there are \(2^n\) possible subsets.

  • Each subset corresponds to a binary number between 0 and \(2^n - 1\).

 1// ### Problem: Find All Subsets That Sum to a Target Value
 2#include <iostream>
 3#include <vector>
 4using namespace std;
 6void findSubsetsThatSumToTarget(vector<int>& nums, int target) {
 7    int n = nums.size();
 8    vector<vector<int>> result;
10    // Iterate over all possible subsets
11    for (int mask = 0; mask < (1 << n); mask++) {
12        vector<int> subset;
13        int sum = 0;
15        // Generate the subset for the current bitmask
16        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
17            if (mask & (1 << i)) { // If the i-th bit is 1, include nums[i]
18                subset.push_back(nums[i]);
19                sum += nums[i];
20            }
21        }
23        // Check if the subset sum equals the target
24        if (sum == target) {
25            result.push_back(subset);
26        }
27    }
29    // Print the result
30    cout << "Subsets that sum to " << target << ":\n";
31    for (auto& subset : result) {
32        cout << "[ ";
33        for (int num : subset) {
34            cout << num << " ";
35        }
36        cout << "]\n";
37    }
40int main() {
41    vector<int> nums = {2, 3, 5};
42    int target = 5;
43    findSubsetsThatSumToTarget(nums, target);
44    return 0;

References and Resources#

Day 8: Resonant Collinearity#

Solution Overview#

The grid is parsed into a dictionary (unordered_map<char, vector<Vec2<int>>>) with antenna labels as the key and a list of all the label’s positions as values.

Part 1: Find the Antinodes#

an antinode occurs at any point that is perfectly in line with two antennas of the same frequency - but only when one of the antennas is twice as far away as the other.

The words are complicated, see the diagram below. Basically, an antinode is a point that lies on the line extending from a pair of antennas at an equal distance beyond one of them



  • iterate over each pair of antennas with the same frequency.

  • for each pair, compute the distance between the two antennas and calculate the potential antinode positions on either side of the pair.

  • Check if the antinodes lie within the grid boundaries, and if they do, add them to an unordered_set to ensure uniqueness.

128std::unordered_set<int> antinodes;
129for(const std::pair<const char, std::vector<V2>>& antenas: data)
131    const std::vector<V2>& a = antenas.second;
132    for(int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(a.size()); ++i)
133    {
134        for (int j = i + 1; j < static_cast<int>(a.size()); ++j)
135        {
136            // Calculate distance and antinode positions
137            V2 dist = a[i] - a[j];
138            V2 antinode1(a[i] + dist), antinode2(a[j] - dist);
140            // Check if antinode positions are within bounds
141            if(antinode1.x < maxX && antinode1.y < maxY && antinode1.x >= 0 && antinode1.y >= 0)
142            {
143                antinodes.insert(antinode1.x * maxY + antinode1.y);
144            }
145            if(antinode2.x < maxX && antinode2.y < maxY && antinode2.x >= 0 && antinode2.y >= 0)
146            {
147                antinodes.insert(antinode2.x * maxY + antinode2.y);
148            }
149        }
150    }

To track the unique antinode positions, we need to map each (x, y) coordinate to a unique integer value. This is done by using a simple mathematical formula: antinode1.x*maxY + antinode1.y

Part 2: I mean Harmonic Antinodes#

it turns out that an antinode occurs at any grid position exactly in line with at least two antennas of the same frequency, regardless of distance. This means that some of the new antinodes will occur at the position of each antenna (unless that antenna is the only one of its frequency).

Again, the words doesn’t explain much, see the diagram. Similar to Part 1, but instead of stopping at the first antinode, continue along the line of collinearity to count all antinodes.



  • for each pair, compute the distance between the two antennas and calculate the potential antinode positions on either side of the pair.

  • expand the antinode positions by moving along the calculated distance in both directions until we reach the boundary of the grid.

176while(antinode1.x < maxX && antinode1.y < maxY && antinode1.x >= 0 && antinode1.y >= 0)
178    antinodes.insert(antinode1.x * maxY + antinode1.y);
179    antinode1 += dist;  // Move along the distance
181while(antinode2.x < maxX && antinode2.y < maxY && antinode2.x >= 0 && antinode2.y >= 0)
183    antinodes.insert(antinode2.x * maxY + antinode2.y);
184    antinode2 -= dist;  // Move along the distance

Concepts Learned#

Operator Overloading for custom class#

Operator overloading to work with the custom Vec2 class representing a 2D vector. This allows to simplify the code when working with positions and distances, such as adding, subtracting, or comparing positions.

 1template <typename T>
 2struct Vec2
 4    T x, y;
 5    Vec2(T x_val, T y_val) : x(x_val), y(y_val) {}
 8using V2 = Vec2<int>;
 9using mapV2 = std::unordered_map<char, std::vector<Vec2<int>>>;
11template <typename T> Vec2<T> constexpr operator+(Vec2<T> a, Vec2<T> b) { return {a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y}; }
12template <typename T> Vec2<T> constexpr operator-(Vec2<T> a, Vec2<T> b) { return {a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y}; }
13template <typename T> Vec2<T> constexpr operator-(Vec2<T> a) { return {-a.x, -a.y}; }
14template <typename T> Vec2<T> constexpr operator*(Vec2<T> a, Vec2<T> b) { return {a.x * b.x, a.y * b.y}; }
15template <typename T> Vec2<T> constexpr operator*(Vec2<T> a, T b) { return {a.x * b, a.y * b}; }
16template <typename T> Vec2<T> constexpr &operator+=(Vec2<T> &a, Vec2<T> b) { a = a + b; return a; }
17template <typename T> Vec2<T> constexpr &operator-=(Vec2<T> &a, Vec2<T> b) { a = a - b; return a; }
18template <typename T> bool constexpr operator==(Vec2<T> a, Vec2<T> b) { return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y; }
19template <typename T>
20std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Vec2<T>& v)
22    os << "(" << v.x << "," << v.y << ")";
23    return os;
26template <typename T>
27std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::vector<T>& v)
29    os << "[";
30    for (auto i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); ++i) {
31        if (i != v.begin()) os << ", ";
32        os << *i;
33    }
34    os << "]";
35    return os;


Enable compile-time evaluation of simple functions, improving performance. // TODO: write in detail

this pointer#


Unique Number for each element in 2D grid#

for \(arr[i][j]\) \(\rightarrow\) \(i\times Cols + j\), where \(Cols\) is number of columns.

This marks the first part of my Advent of Code 2024 journey. More updates soon. If you’re also learning C++ or participating in Advent of Code, I’d love to hear about your experiences! Share your thoughts, tips, or solutions in the comments below. Feel free to check out my solutions on GitHub.”
