Source code for protoserver.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This file contains utility functions to handle Protocol Buffer messages
# It provides functionalities to fill protobuf messages based on user input,
# convert protobuf messages to dictionary and display the message content in a tabular format

# Author: Muhammed Abdullah Shaikh
# Date Created: Feb 14, 2024
# Last Modified: Feb 22, 2024
# Version: 1.0
# Python Version: 3.10.11
# Dependencies: tabulate
# License: BSD-3-Clause License

from tabulate import tabulate

    1: "DOUBLE",
    2: "FLOAT",
    3: "INT64",
    4: "UINT64",
    5: "INT32",
    6: "FIXED64",
    7: "FIXED32",
    8: "BOOL",
    9: "STRING",
    10: "GROUP",
    11: "MESSAGE",
    12: "BYTES",
    13: "UINT32",
    14: "ENUM",
    15: "SFIXED32",
    16: "SFIXED64",
    17: "SINT32",
    18: "SINT64",

[docs] def get_int(prompt): """A function that takes a prompt as input and repeatedly prompts the user for input until a valid integer is entered. Parameters: prompt (str): The prompt to display to the user. Returns: (int): The user's input as an integer. """ while True: try: return int(input(prompt), 10) except ValueError: pass
[docs] def get_user_input_by_type(field_descriptor): """ Gets user input based on provided field descriptor type. Parameters: field_descriptor (google.protobuf.descriptor.FieldDescriptor): The field descriptor of the field to get user input for. Returns: Union[float, int, bool, str, bytes, None]: The user input based on the field descriptor type. """ TYPE_DOUBLE = 1 TYPE_FLOAT = 2 TYPE_INT64 = 3 TYPE_UINT64 = 4 TYPE_INT32 = 5 TYPE_FIXED64 = 6 TYPE_FIXED32 = 7 TYPE_BOOL = 8 TYPE_STRING = 9 TYPE_GROUP = 10 TYPE_MESSAGE = 11 TYPE_BYTES = 12 TYPE_UINT32 = 13 TYPE_ENUM = 14 TYPE_SFIXED32 = 15 TYPE_SFIXED64 = 16 TYPE_SINT32 = 17 TYPE_SINT64 = 18 MAX_TYPE = 18 field_type = field_descriptor.type while True: user_input = input(f"Enter a value (type: {TYPE_TO_STRING[field_type]}) for {} (or press Enter to skip):\n").strip() # Skip if user input is empty if not user_input: return None try: if field_type == TYPE_DOUBLE or field_type == TYPE_FLOAT: return float(user_input) elif field_type in [TYPE_INT64, TYPE_UINT64, TYPE_INT32, TYPE_FIXED64, TYPE_FIXED32, TYPE_UINT32, TYPE_SFIXED32, TYPE_SFIXED64, TYPE_SINT32, TYPE_SINT64]: return int(user_input) elif field_type == TYPE_BOOL: if user_input.lower() == 'true' or user_input.lower() == 't' or user_input.lower() == '1': return True elif user_input.lower() == 'false' or user_input.lower() == 'f' or user_input.lower() == '0': return False else: print("Invalid input. Please enter 1/[t]rue or 0/[f]alse.") raise ValueError("Invalid input.") elif field_type == TYPE_STRING: return str(user_input) elif field_type == TYPE_BYTES: return bytes(user_input, 'utf-8') else: raise ValueError("Invalid field type") except ValueError: print("Invalid input. Please enter a valid value.")
# Function to get user input for an enum field
[docs] def get_enum_input(enum_type): """ Get user input for selecting an enum value. Parameters: enum_type (google.protobuf.descriptor.EnumDescriptor): The enum type descriptor. Returns: Union[int, None]: Enum value corresponding to the user's choice. This function prints the available options for the given enum type, prompts the user to enter the number corresponding to their choice, and returns the selected enum value. The user can press Enter to skip making a selection. If the entered input is invalid, the function will print an error message and prompt the user again. Example:: from example_pb2 import ExampleEnum selected_value = get_enum_input(ExampleEnum.DESCRIPTOR) """ values = enum_type.values print(f"Select from {len(values)} options for {}:") max_len = max(len( for value in values) # find the longest key for enum_value in values: print(f"{ + 5, '.')}{enum_value.number}") while True: try: selected_enum = input("Enter the number corresponding to your choice (or press Enter to skip): ").strip() if not selected_enum: return None selected_enum = int(selected_enum) return enum_type.values[selected_enum].number except (ValueError, KeyError, IndexError): print("Invalid input. Please enter a valid number.")
# Function to fill a message based on user input
[docs] def fill_message(message): """ Fill the given protocol buffer message with user input for each field. """ for field_descriptor in message.DESCRIPTOR.fields: # IS ENUM if field_descriptor.type == field_descriptor.TYPE_ENUM: user_input = get_enum_input(field_descriptor.enum_type) if user_input is not None: setattr(message,, user_input) # IS MESSAGE elif field_descriptor.type == field_descriptor.TYPE_MESSAGE: # IS REPEATED MESSAGE if field_descriptor.label == field_descriptor.LABEL_REPEATED: num_repeated = get_int(f"Enter the number of {} elements (or enter 0 to skip): ") for _ in range(num_repeated): nested_message = getattr(message, fill_message(nested_message) # IS NON REPEATED MESSAGE else: user_input = input(f"Do you want to fill {} ? (yes/no): ") if user_input.lower() in ['yes', 'y']: nested_message = getattr(message, fill_message(nested_message) # IS REPEATED BASIC TYPE elif field_descriptor.label == field_descriptor.LABEL_REPEATED: num_repeated = get_int(f"Enter the number of {} elements (or enter 0 to skip): ") for _ in range(num_repeated): user_input = get_user_input_by_type(field_descriptor) if user_input is not None: getattr(message, else: user_input = get_user_input_by_type(field_descriptor) if user_input is not None: setattr(message,, user_input) return message
[docs] def MessageToDict(message): """ Convert a protocol buffer message into a dictionary representation. .. admonition:: Reference :class: tip Directly stolen from `Stackoverflow <>`_ I am not using :func:`google.protobuf.json_format.MessageToDict` because the keynames are not being matched properly. Args: message(google.protobuf.message.Message): The protocol buffer message to be converted. Returns: (dict): A dictionary representation of the protocol buffer message. """ message_dict = {} for descriptor, value in message.ListFields(): key = # value = getattr(message, if descriptor.label == descriptor.LABEL_REPEATED: message_list = [] for sub_message in value: if descriptor.type == descriptor.TYPE_MESSAGE: message_list.append(MessageToDict(sub_message)) else: message_list.append(sub_message) message_dict[key] = message_list else: if descriptor.type == descriptor.TYPE_MESSAGE: message_dict[key] = MessageToDict(value) else: message_dict[key] = value return message_dict
[docs] def MessageToTable(message, show_empty=False, tablefmt="grid"): """ Generates a table representation of the given message. Parameters: message (google.protobuf.message.Message): The message to convert to a table. show_empty (bool): Whether to show empty fields. Defaults to False. tablefmt (str): The format of the table. Defaults to "grid". .. tip:: The method `ListFields <>`_ only returns non-empty values which may cause fields set to ``0`` to be skipped. For instance the field ``return_code`` was being skipped in case of successful return. Using ``show_empty=True`` will show empty fields in the table but I recommend to avoid it as it will make the table too large with unnecessary empty fields. Returns: A table representation of the message. """ headers = ['Field Index', "Name", "Type", "Content"] table = [] gen = message.ListFields() if show_empty: gen = ((f, getattr(message, for f in message.DESCRIPTOR.fields) for field_descriptor, value in gen: field_type = TYPE_TO_STRING[field_descriptor.type] if field_descriptor.label == field_descriptor.LABEL_REPEATED: for sub_message in value: if field_descriptor.type == field_descriptor.TYPE_MESSAGE: table.append([field_descriptor.number,, field_type, MessageToTable(sub_message, show_empty=show_empty, tablefmt=tablefmt)]) elif field_descriptor.type == field_descriptor.TYPE_ENUM: table.append([field_descriptor.number,, field_type, \ field_descriptor.enum_type.values_by_number[int(sub_message)].name]) else: table.append([field_descriptor.number,, field_type, sub_message]) else: if field_descriptor.type == field_descriptor.TYPE_MESSAGE: table.append([field_descriptor.number,, field_type, MessageToTable(value, show_empty=show_empty, tablefmt=tablefmt)]) elif field_descriptor.type == field_descriptor.TYPE_ENUM: table.append([field_descriptor.number,, field_type, \ field_descriptor.enum_type.values_by_number[int(value)].name]) else: table.append([field_descriptor.number,, field_type, value]) return tabulate(table, headers=headers, tablefmt=tablefmt)